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Articles and videos on psychology topics: from productivity and motivation to relationships and leadership.

Povilas Godliauskas
Feb 17, 20212 min read
Applying coaching in helping employees learn (video)
Coaching is becoming more and more popular in the development of employees (especially top managers). So, my colleagues from the Coaching...

Povilas Godliauskas
Dec 22, 20201 min read
Artificial intelligence in the psychologist's office (video)
I talked to psychologist Rytis Pakrosnis and artificial intelligence student Modestas Jurčius about the differences between intelligence...

Povilas Godliauskas
Nov 12, 20202 min read
Hack the system or how to become your own boss?
In a culturally biased system, you do not have to get empowered by someone to feel empowered. What you need is a value proposition that...

Povilas Godliauskas
Nov 3, 20201 min read
Judging social media companies is not the solution
It's not the tech giants that are responsible for the negative effects of their digital products, including various hate crimes and...

Povilas Godliauskas
Oct 12, 20201 min read
Programmers’ career, motivation, and psychological health (video)
More than a year ago, we sat down with Eligijus from “Kodinu” to talk about programming and everything around it: career, motivation,...

Povilas Godliauskas
Oct 11, 20202 min read
How to identify grit in job candidates?
What is grit? I define grit as "passionate perseverance despite failure". Research shows that grit is associated with career success,...

Povilas Godliauskas
Sep 27, 20201 min read
Social dilemma or social denial?
For many, "Social Dilemma" (2020) has been an eye-opening experience. For me though the most eye-opening fact was the overblown reaction...

Povilas Godliauskas
Sep 12, 20201 min read
It's NOT limiting to have limiting beliefs
We, coaches, often tend to identify them in our clients' thinking, dismantle their logic, or even subtly challenge their purpose....

Povilas Godliauskas
Sep 10, 20201 min read
Curiosity – your antidote against an unhappy and meaningless life
There was a period in my life when I was seriously considering suicide as a reasonable option. At the time, I was not a "happy" person...

Povilas Godliauskas
Aug 11, 20201 min read
How to find more inner motivation?
How can you take up a new activity (e.g., start exercising) when you are not in the mood? There are at least two techniques: 🔵 I imagine...

Povilas Godliauskas
Aug 5, 20201 min read
How much place does psychology have in coaching? (video)
I spoke with a psychologist and coaching professional Vitoldas Masalskis about coaching psychology, scientific research, the mental...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 28, 20201 min read
You don't have to agree to show understanding, empathy, and compassion
Think twice before deciding which side you are on, while you are listening to other people trash-talking their managers, colleagues, or...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 21, 20203 min read
Coaching is not what you think it is: Let me tell you why
I was asked the following question by Justas Janauskas, the CEO of Qoorio and Co-Founder of Vinted: Povilai, coaching still has a poor...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 20, 20202 min read
Remote counseling is also effective
According to clients, remote psychotherapy is no less effective (and sometimes even more effective) than face-to-face. Here's what the...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 17, 20201 min read
What do employers think about your tattoo?
For a long time, I was thinking of getting a tattoo, but I always wondered: what will my employers (now clients) think of it? 😶...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 14, 20202 min read
The unproductivity of productivity tools
Should one rely on productivity tools, let's say, for efficiency and time management? Short answer: no! Oftentimes, using them is like...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 2, 20201 min read
Why do you want to code? Discuss with a mentor or coach!
People are increasingly switching their careers to the IT field, especially programming. 💻 Oftentimes, they cannot answer why they want...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 1, 20201 min read
Motivation starts with compensation
All my conversations with candidates for IT positions started and ended with the same question: What compensation do you offer? And this...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jun 25, 20201 min read
Greater productivity does not necessarily mean greater competence
If you work in a new field, be careful. Just because you feel more productive or confident in new tasks over time doesn't mean you're...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jun 21, 20201 min read
Psychological health of IT specialists: An elephant in the room (audio)
The psychological health of IT specialists (and probably in many other fields) is a kind of elephant 🐘 in the room, which everyone...
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