How can you take up a new activity (e.g., start exercising) when you are not in the mood?

There are at least two techniques:
🔵 I imagine the activity (I imagine myself going to the gym, lifting weights, enjoying the process)
🔵 I think of the benefits (I feel better in my body, look better, and experience more positive emotions)
In your opinion, which is more effective? According to studies, both work well, but the second works better.
When we are feeling down, our bodies are also down, that is, we smile less, we move less, and we look up less. ☁️ If that is the case, our thoughts also become "down", which makes it harder to think of any benefits. Therefore, a much more effective technique is thinking about the benefits of the activity. You can do that by consciously asking your "Future Self" several questions: ➡️ How does regular exercise affect your wellbeing?
➡️ How does regular exercise make you feel?
➡️ How do your new habits contribute to others?
➡️ How would you feel if you weren't exercising? If you sincerely answer similar questions, it is much easier to see more benefits and feel more motivated to take up the activity. ❤️