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  • Writer's picturePovilas Godliauskas

Rational worry is what will help you not to go crazy 🧠

Like most of us, I have been cheering for the well-being of 🇺🇦 and its people since the first days of the war. Both emotionally and financially. Nevertheless, I avoided writing anything on this topic for a while.

It didn't seem ethical to "milk" a topic I didn't feel qualified to speak on. It doesn't matter that there are no obstacles to it. You repost an inspiring photo and get a feeling that you have contributed.

However, upon talking to my pclients, I felt that the psychological climate in the country has been getting out of control, so I feel obliged to share some tips for dealing with anxiety. So, let's go!

It is not a thinking error to say that almost all of us are worried today. I have already written that we have an inner anxiety beast within us whose function is to warn us when danger is imminent. It is a natural reaction of our bodies.

The truth is that today the concept of danger has acquired a different meaning. If earlier it seemed that the bear was just walking along the border of the country, now it seems that it is already knocking on the door of our homes.

What's more, listening to some people's experiences gives the impression that the bear is already inside, getting up and going to bed with us, regardless of what the facts are actually saying.

So, how do you chase away a bear for the sake of your psychological well-being and those around you? Here are a few steps:

1️⃣ Reduce reading the news to a couple of times a day, for example, before and after work. Use apps that restrict access to selected websites at certain times. 2️⃣ Remember that in the heat of war, all sources should be evaluated with a "pinch of salt". Although the means and ethical standards differ, information warfare involves all sides. 3️⃣ Express your worries: write out your feelings, talk to loved ones, communicate with specialists. Condition: Focus on your feelings and sensations and avoid speculating about what you don't understand and don't know. 4️⃣ Attack anxiety from all sides by preparing a plan for different scenarios such as fight, flight, and freeze. Discuss your plans with loved ones and take the first steps now, which will help you calm down. 5️⃣ Whatever you do, don't forget to take care of your basic needs: don't stop to eat and move, concentrate on work, take time to rest and, most importantly, breathe as long as you can. Stay strong. 🇱🇹 🇺🇦

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