Recently, I had a dream where I was being chased. However, there was a twist: I was in someone else's body. šµ

Upon reflection, I realized the meaning of the dream: it was a warning about the consequences of living other people's lives. In the past, these people would include your family, friends, colleagues, or celebrities. Nowadays, it is more social media advertising and recommender systems, suggesting what you should feel, think, and do with your life. And I understand that: it's much easier to live by someone else's philosophy and lifestyle rather than creating your own. At the end of the day, the list of choices may seem limited. But limiting are also the costs of not consciously creating yourself. For some, the cost is constantly feeling like a fraud, while for others, it's experiencing a lack of purpose and meaning. However, for must of us, the major cost is actually living in automode without consciously realizing it. š” Dolores from the TV series "Westworld" once said: "Free will does exist... It's just fucking hard." Although I am not sure if free will exists, creating yourself and seeking authenticity is definitely not easy. But it is worth trying. š