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Articles and videos on psychology topics: from productivity and motivation to relationships and leadership.

Paulina Nalivaikaitė
Oct 20, 20232 min read
Caught in algorithm trap? Five ways to escape it
As the study published by MIT Sloan Management Review shows, algorithms of recommender systems not only reflect user preferences but also...

Povilas Godliauskas
Nov 3, 20201 min read
Judging social media companies is not the solution
It's not the tech giants that are responsible for the negative effects of their digital products, including various hate crimes and...

Povilas Godliauskas
Sep 27, 20201 min read
Social dilemma or social denial?
For many, "Social Dilemma" (2020) has been an eye-opening experience. For me though the most eye-opening fact was the overblown reaction...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jun 3, 20201 min read
How to find your voice and experience more authenticity?
Recently, I had a dream where I was being chased. However, there was a twist: I was in someone else's body. 😵 Upon reflection, I...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 25, 20181 min read
Information overload: harm to productivity and health
Some say less information is more. Or, the brain is not a container, after all. So, how to protect yourself from information overload?...
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