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Articles and videos on psychology topics: from productivity and motivation to relationships and leadership.

Paulina Nalivaikaitė
Oct 25, 20232 min read
Positive organizational psychology 2.0: from technology to well-being
At, we are proponents of positive organizational psychology, the science of organizational well-being. Recently, van Zyl et al....

Paulina Nalivaikaitė
Aug 4, 20231 min read
Psychological safety in Agile teams
Psychological safety is proved to strengthen Agile values and practices. Some of the practitioners even claim that psychological safety...

Povilas Godliauskas
Sep 28, 20213 min read
I have everything, but I don't feel happy
"I have everything: a loving family, many friends, an interesting and well-paid job, but I don't feel happy." Sounds familiar? If so, do...

Povilas Godliauskas
Aug 18, 20212 min read
Why do employees resist change? Three beliefs held by managers
How do problems start in childhood and become embedded in strategies and procedures? 😊 As a coaching specialist and psychologist, I...

Povilas Godliauskas
Oct 12, 20201 min read
Programmers’ career, motivation, and psychological health (video)
More than a year ago, we sat down with Eligijus from “Kodinu” to talk about programming and everything around it: career, motivation,...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 14, 20202 min read
The unproductivity of productivity tools
Should one rely on productivity tools, let's say, for efficiency and time management? Short answer: no! Oftentimes, using them is like...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jun 21, 20201 min read
Psychological health of IT specialists: An elephant in the room (audio)
The psychological health of IT specialists (and probably in many other fields) is a kind of elephant 🐘 in the room, which everyone...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jun 1, 20201 min read
How to boost your self-esteem?
What is low self-esteem? In my eyes, this is disrespect or dislike of oneself and often of others. Research shows that to strengthen...
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