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What is the relationship between leadership, depression, and fall?

Writer: Povilas GodliauskasPovilas Godliauskas

Research shows:

1. Seasonal depression is more likely to occur in fall [1]

2. High-level executives have a harder time recovering from depression [2]

Consequently, if you are currently in a senior management position, you are more likely to experience [1] [2]:

● Fewer positive emotions or an emptiness inside

● Less energy to do favorite activities

● Sleep difficulties (e.g., you feel very sleepy oftentimes)

● Concentration difficulties

● Eating difficulties (e.g., you overeat or undereat)

What are the possible causes?

● Increased stress at work (and at home)

● Failure to seek treatment or follow a treatment plan

● Perfectionism or high demands on oneself (and others)

● Lack of sleep (or oversleeping)

What to do?

It's okay if you're experiencing a short-term setback, one day of sleep deprivation, or you're just in a bad mood.

However, if the symptoms are occuring daily, it is crucial to take care of yourself and, therefore, others.


● Be sure to get enough sleep and be in daylight as much as possible

● Talk to a psychologist or just a close friend

● Consult your physician or a psychiatrist when symptoms are not manageable anymore

● Don't ignore your difficulties and stay curious

Take care of yourself!


[1] Mayo Clinic. (2017, October 25). Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - Symptoms and causes.

[2] Gholipour, B. (2016, October 5). People In High-Powered Jobs May Be Harder To Treat For Depression. HuffPost.


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