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Articles and videos on psychology topics: from productivity and motivation to relationships and leadership.

Povilas Godliauskas
May 3, 20211 min read
Humanism in the modern coaching process (video)
I am sharing a video from the annual conference of the Lithuanian Humanistic Psychology Association (LHPA) conference that took place in...

Povilas Godliauskas
Feb 17, 20212 min read
Applying coaching in helping employees learn (video)
Coaching is becoming more and more popular in the development of employees (especially top managers). So, my colleagues from the Coaching...

Povilas Godliauskas
Aug 5, 20201 min read
How much place does psychology have in coaching? (video)
I spoke with a psychologist and coaching professional Vitoldas Masalskis about coaching psychology, scientific research, the mental...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jul 21, 20203 min read
Coaching is not what you think it is: Let me tell you why
I was asked the following question by Justas Janauskas, the CEO of Qoorio and Co-Founder of Vinted: Povilai, coaching still has a poor...

Povilas Godliauskas
Jun 17, 20202 min read
What is the relationship between coaching and education?
Many people think a coach is a trainer whose job is to teach something (e.g., programming). Others think of a coach as a consultant who...

Povilas Godliauskas
May 11, 20203 min read
Choosing your 'healer': psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or coach?
People often wonder whether they should go to a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or coach in order to improve the quality of their...

Povilas Godliauskas
Nov 1, 20191 min read
Do you need a professional coach?
You know, proper coaching is tough. 💪 First, it requires a growth-mindset (not everyone is excited about changing their habits and...

Povilas Godliauskas
Oct 2, 20192 min read
Coaching is the key to effective annual interviews
While more and more often annual interviews are being abandoned, let's face it, it's still very popular in many larger business...
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